Yam Lin 林山药

Make a reservation

Click the envelope to make a reservation, up to four people. Please fill out the form as much as possible for better preparation :)

6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Every Friday & Sunday
20 euro / person in Amsterdam
28 euro / person in other cities in the Netherlands (only available on Sunday)

You will receive a confirmation email after you submit the form. If you want to cancel the reservation, please let us know at least 5 days before the service. For more information please email us at yamlin.nl@gmail.com


dinner no.2 at seo's kitchen; photo by seo

Yams are a very ancient food plant, believed to have been cultivated for more than 12,000 years. They are twining vines with shiny, heart-shaped, purple-tinged leaves and grow from underground tubers which have a brown skin and white flesh and can weigh many kilos. Yams require a fertile, well-drained soil with a high organic matter content. Plant at the beginning of summer in areas that receive a wet season. They will grow in full sun or semi-shade but need a trellis. Plants need plenty of water during the growing season.

yamlin is a door-to-door dinner service.

We bring the tools to your kitchen and make an epistolary meal for you.

Based in Amsterdam, service available in the Netherlands.
By appoinment only.
